Thursday, April 26, 2012

Missing Game Face Textures- (Black Head with Red Eyes Issue)

The black head with red eyes, or the totally grey square may be caused by the Unity Web Player (the 3d model viewer) not being able to download the textures from the web. This page,, describes where to get the debug log - which is typically in C:\Documents and Settings\(current user)\Local Settings\temp\UnityWebPlayer\log.
If you are running into this issue, please PM the newest log_* file to us. It should help us to determine what the problem is. Thanks.|||PM with logs sent.|||Log file sent|||Log File Sent.|||Hey guys, I PM'd to all of you, but wanted to post it here as well:
Can you try and post those links in the web browser and see if you can get them downloaded from there? I am referring to the URL's included in your log. Please PM me the results ASAP.|||I'm having the same issue, any ideas on a fix?|||PM with logs plz. Same problem|||For those of you still running into issues with Game Face, please do the following:
1. Go to
2. In the search menu, type in Game Face, and hit Search
3. A list of all of the latest Game Face information and troubleshooting will be listed
If you are having trouble with the process after looking through the Game Face information, you'll need to:
1. Go to the Email Us option under the Support Links to the left of the page
2. Fill in your console under platform,
3. Enter in FIFA 10 for the game
4. Select technical then error for the category
5. You may have the option to Chat Live with a Customer Service Rep at this point
6. If not, click the continue with email option, and include the following information in your email:
a. What is the main issue that you are running into? Where are you being held up at in the process? What message are you seeing when you get held up?
b. What console are you trying to upload your Game Face to? If you're using a XBOX 360, can you verify if you have a XBOX Live Gold Account or not?
c. What is your Gamertag/PSN ID?
d. What time did the issue occur? If you tried multiple times, can you provide us with a general estimate of when the last time you ran into the issue was?
e. What are your PC specs? Specifically, RAM, CPU and Graphic card type, and memory?
7. You also have the option to upload screen shots of any of the issues that you are seeing.
8. Click Finish and Save
9. A Customer Service Rep will be in contact with you via email within 24 hours.
Thanks in advance for your support and continued patience.

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